Thursday, January 12, 2017

January 12

Iowa Late Season Pheasant Hunting

I was able to find one last rooster for the season in North Central Iowa. I was anxious to try a new recipe from Cabelas that I modified slightly.


Jalapeno Pheasant Poppers


  • 6 jalapeƱo peppers cut in half and seeded
  • 1 8 ounce tub of onion and chive cream cheese
  • 6 slices of bacon cut in half
  • 12 thin cut filets of pheasant breast (cut just slightly larger than the pepper)
  • Toothpicks


1. Cut peppers in half length-wise and remove seeds.
2. Fill the cavity of the pepper with cream cheese.
3. Place a pheasant filet on top of the cream cheese.
4. Wrap with a piece of bacon.
5. Secure bacon with a toothpick.
6. Grill at 350 degrees until the bacon and pheasant are cooked through.
7. Enjoy!

Prep TIme 30 min. Cook time ~15 min.

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