May 4 Minnesota Turkey Season 4
South Central Minnesota
Many would
describe my spring turkey hunt as frustrating, and yes, there were
moments. The season provided a stretch
of beautiful weather and some magnificent sights and sounds.
Day 1. Before sunrise a huge raccoon froze in his tracks to the sound of my hen yelps. Four wood ducks were buzzing my blind when one landed on the roof and another attempted to come through the shooting hole. A jake then appeared out of nowhere without warning. He made a circle around my blind then disappeared. He gave me a good shot but I decided not to end my season within the first two hours. Later morning in a beautiful river bottom I had a couple toms talk back to me, but they couldn’t be coaxed across the river.
Day 1. Before sunrise a huge raccoon froze in his tracks to the sound of my hen yelps. Four wood ducks were buzzing my blind when one landed on the roof and another attempted to come through the shooting hole. A jake then appeared out of nowhere without warning. He made a circle around my blind then disappeared. He gave me a good shot but I decided not to end my season within the first two hours. Later morning in a beautiful river bottom I had a couple toms talk back to me, but they couldn’t be coaxed across the river.
Day 3. I arrived in a new spot at about 5:15 AM where a friend had bagged a jake two days before. He told me exactly where to set-up. Upon closing the zipper of my blind, at least two toms gobbled from the trees just 40 yards away. I was psyched! However, as they pitched down from the trees, the hens lured the toms into the river bottom below my blind instead of along the ridge in front of my blind.
Day 5. I returned to this same area and sat motionless in a gillie suit for over two hours before sunset confident those same toms would return to their roosting area. Not a cluck, gobble or sighting. I saw one squirrel!
Day 6. Mid-morning while driving from one area to another I spotted one tom in a freshly planted field, heading into a 20 mph wind away from the woods. I drove back to the ravine below the field and failed at my attempt to call the tom back into the woods. However, I was entertained by eagles soaring above and around their nest in a huge cottonwood tree.
Sometimes the delight of the hunt comes through even smaller wonders such as this beautiful snail that I spotted on the ground next to me. So ended my hunt until later this month during the open season.
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