Thursday, March 23, 2017

March 23

SE Minnesota Shed Antler Hunting

The snow had finally melted enough that I was hopeful I’d find some sheds.  Within minutes after texting my nephew that I was out shed hunting, I found a carcass of an 8-point buck as I was crisscrossing some deer trails and bedding area in a CRP field. It appeared he had been dinner for a pack of hungry coyotes.

Because of all the snow pack this past winter, the grasses from the previous year were matted down. My next “finds” were a couple sheds from last spring with just the tines sticking up through matted grass.

Following a ridge overlooking a southern slope I also found a new shed from a little “forky” and a second shed close to that same area, but not a match. It was from a 3-pointer and had already been chewed on by the rodents.

Finally while moving around near some small islands of trees, I found a beautiful matched set from a two year old 8-pointer - one shed touching the other. 

Before leaving the property NE of Rochester, I had a visit with the land owner who informed me that he had seen two nice bucks still carrying their antlers that morning, March 18, 2017.  So I’m confident there are still some nice sheds to be found.  Good luck!-JK

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