Thursday, March 9, 2017

March 9

Venison Steak Kabobs

One of my favorite ways to prepare venison is to make Venison Steak Kabobs.  This is a very easy and simple recipe that even the pickiest wild game eater will be sure to enjoy.

I start off with two 4-6 oz. venison backstrap steaks.  Cut the steaks into 1"x1" cubes (approximately 8 cubes per kabob)

Tip: I find it easier to cut the steaks into cubes if they are still slightly frozen

Marinate the steak for an hour.  I use a marinade that a friend gave me a while ago which is my favorite marinade for venison (see below), although Italian dressing could work well too.

Venison Marinade:

1/2 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/2 cup Soy Sauce
1 tsp crushed garlic
1 tsp basil
1 tsp rosemary

I then make my kabobs with our favorite vegetables: red onion, zucchini, red and green peppers, and mushrooms.  Cut the vegetables in 1" x 1/2" cubes. I alternate vegetable, steak, vegetable, steak, etc. This helps to keep the meat from getting over cooked and is aesthetically pleasing.

Cook the kabobs on the grill at medium to medium high heat (350-400F), turning once or twice, until the vegetables are cooked roughly 10-15 minutes total cooking time.  Be careful not to over cook the meat 

Tip: Use metal skewers helps to cook the meat internally as kabobs sometimes can burn on the outside and be left rare on the inside, especially on thicker cuts of meat.



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